
Our mission is to unlock the potential in every user, turning what might seem like 'madness' into a everyday reality.

Achieving this mission requires a distinct mindset that sets us apart.

Our mindset is encapsulated in nine principles, designed to nurture creativity and inspire innovation. Explore them below.

Craft things People want

Our job is to create what people want, not just what we think is ‘cool’. We are here to serve the end user better than anyone else, ensuring that every action we take delivers exceptional user experiences. Everyone, regardless of role, plays a crucial part in building the perfect solution for our users’ needs.

Think Bigger

There is no limit to what you can accomplish, except the limit you place in your mind. We don’t hesitate to take calculated risks and make bold decisions to achieve our goals. Our strong ambition inspires exceptional results. What may seem mad to some is the standard of success for us.

Fast Always Wins

To progress quickly, action must be our first priority, especially in the tech landscape where rapid development and iteration are keys to success. We chose to launch and fail fast, rather than overthinking a perfect solution and lose momentum. Our ability to bring new products to market fast sets us apart from our competitors.

Passion at the Core

Passion is the very essence of success. Without it, failures become extremely hard to overcome. We are fuelled by the passion for what we do, we embrace every challenge as a stepping stone and ignite this in our peers. We know that the path to success is hard, and it's the fire of passion that keeps our vision alive and turns our goals into reality.

Excellence... or Nothing

Excellence has to spread through every layer of MWM.

We don’t just expect it, we demand it and nurture it. We strive to offer our users an exceptional experience by continuous improvement, the highest design, functionality and delivery standards.

Innovation over Invention

We don’t waste time reinventing the wheel. Instead, we constantly push boundaries to provide instant solutions to answer our users’ needs. We encourage innovation and experimentation at every level of MWM to create not just new, but impactful advancements. With our approach to innovation, we are able to turn great into exceptional.

Do more with less

We believe true progress is driven by creativity, resilience and a determined mindset. True progress success doesn't come from abundance, but from efficient use of available resources. This principle challenges each of us to think outside the box, to be proactive rather than reactive, and to create opportunities instead of waiting for them.

1% Better Every Week

Learning every day isn't just beneficial, it’s a vital practice that keeps us ahead of the competition. We commit everyday to expand our knowledge and skills to grow personally and professionally. It's a simple effort, but when done consistently, it leads to monumental outcomes. (Improving by 1% every week = x2 every 16 months)

Own the Outcome

We take ownership and full responsibility for our objectives, to turn vision into actions. With full transparency and honesty, our actions reflect the best interests of MWM, ensuring collective progress over individual. We don’t dismiss challenges, we proactively seek solutions. Mistakes are opportunities for learning and growth, not for blame. We trust each other to efficiently deliver and contribute best efforts for the best outcomes.

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Investors Sharing Our Madness
Benoit Habert profile picture

Benoit Habert

Deputy Chief Executive Officer Groupe industriel Marcel Dassault

Martin Solveig profile picture

Martin Solveig

Artist, DJ, Producer, Entrepreneur

Xavier Niel profile picture

Xavier Niel

Entrepreneur, investor, Philanthropist, CEO Illiad

Jean de la Rochebrochard profile picture

Jean de la Rochebrochard

Investor, writer, General manager Kima venture

Emmanuel Seugé profile picture

Emmanuel Seugé

Founder & managing Partner Cassius Family

Cyril Guenoun profile picture

Cyril Guenoun

Co-founder & General Partner Aglaé Ventures

Bertrand Schmitt profile picture

Bertrand Schmitt

Entrepreneur, founder and former CEO

Marc Jalabert profile picture

Marc Jalabert

Entrepreneur, investor, Microsoft former General manager Western Europe

Alexandre Mars profile picture

Alexandre Mars

Entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist, founder Epic & Blisce Venture

Rodolphe Carle profile picture

Rodolphe Carle

Entrepreneur, investor, Babilou founder & former CEO

Maïlys Ferrere profile picture

Maïlys Ferrere

Director of Large Venture BPI France

Jean-Marie Laurent Josi profile picture

Jean-Marie Laurent Josi

CEO Cobepa

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